Well its that time of the year, the Fresher Stalls !!

Many people don't take notice but events like these are very tiring, with most of us waking up at about 6.00am in the morning, its bloody difficult...
Despite our lack of sleep, the team finally assembled at 9.00am and  we marched on !

From free pens to pizzas to even free shower gel, a "typical" students eutopia, there it was, right next to the Lyca Mobile and Debate society stall, the great, and most brilliant Strathclyde Hong Kong Society !

At the end of the day,  our PR Antony was barely able to speak at all,  Allan and my arms were in pain from waving the posters in sync to the Gangnam Style song while our Co-President Kelvin was whipping out his Mandarin skills as if he was rapping. Cue & Mandy was giving out the cookie and cake endlessly . While our mascot Andrew - wearing the rice hat, which apparently orignates from Vietnam- was out giving flyers about.

We met lots of different people from Scottish, Hungarian, French, Malaysian to even Bulgarian ! And as cheesy as this may sound, you are the people that makes our 6 hour non-stop crazy campaign so worth it.

So thank you again people ! and we hope to see you on our first event, which will be happening soon !!

Co- President  :O

Pictures from the Fresher Stall 2012