Its That Time of year again...

          This year we decided to add a special twist to the regular traditional ceilidh dancing.  We decided a ‘Masquerade’ theme would blend nicely to our Ceilidh to make things more classy and fun!  Our predecessors have held very successful ceilidhs; with last year’s attracting over a 100 students! With their pedigree of success, this year’s ceilidh should be no exception. We were also told a lot of hard work and dedication is required in order to overcome the stress of organising this.  Having this in our mind-set we knew we had a benchmark to raise.

Food by far was our main priority and biggest challenge! On the day of the event -all committee members spent all morning and afternoon cooking non-stop to make sure food will be fresh and ready on time. Here is the link for a video showing our overnight preparation highlights:
After the food was prepared – transporting the food was a mission and special thanks to both Lesley and James for the extra helping hand, otherwise the food would not be prepared in time.  Also mega thanks to Lesley for preparing desserts for the ceilidh. They were a perfect addition to compliment the food and everybody I spoke to gave compliments on her epic baking skills!

Her macaroons are godly!

After days of rigorous planning and preparation we were buzzing to kick start the ceilidh. Every committee member had their specific roles: PR, Decorations, Beverages, Tickets, MC etc… My role was catering along with Cue, Kelv and Lesley. Together we were preparing the food as rapidly as possible. Despite the fast pace, we felt contented that the food was provided in time. Once food was out, we were able to suit up (in my case kilt up) and join the ceilidh! When I entered the ceilidh hall I was surprised by the turnout! Everybody looked awesome especially with the masquerade masks. Having a masquerade theme definitely made it perfect for photo opportunities!

The ceilidh dancing itself was lively, so much so, that I tripped over my ceilidh brogues a few times. Even for ceilidh first-timers whom I spoke to, despite being unfamiliar with the dancing routines, found it amusing to make-up their own “dance” and confuse others along the way. This made the ceilidh rather funny watch at times.
The ceilidh band were great, their music was very upbeat and lively. But what made them particularly special was in the midst of a dance they would add well-known themes from such as Star wars, Ghostbusters, and Pirates of the Caribbean etc… Strangely, this accustomed the ceilidh dancing surprisingly well! And there were moments I couldn’t help smiling as I tried to hold back my inner Star wars geek. So special thanks to ‘Keeping It Reel’ for providing such a unique and awesome style of ceilidh music.

We held our raffle towards the end with prizes consisting of cakes, vouchers, headphones, t-shirts and a computer tablet etc… Most prizes were compiled by our super-awesome prezzi MH who inquired sponsorship from businesses both local and afar.
This by far was our biggest event and a crazy amount of hours was put into organising this. Despite all the hard work, watching everybody from both GU and SU societies meet one another and enjoying themselves, made it all the better to know all our hard work paid off!!!

Thanks for reading


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